NextGEN is present all over the world
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NextGEN Map
Browse and explore the faces and projects of NextGEN Worldwide! This map aims to showcase the beautiful inspiring work that young NextGEN-ers are doing around the world, as well as facilitate the connection amongst members and inspire others to join the NextGEN network.
North America (NextGENNA)

NextGENNA is a network which propels young adults to energize ecovillages and intentional communities. Our mission is to educate, connect, and inspire the next generation we all wish to see in the movement!
Europe (NextGEN Europe)

NextGEN Europe is the youth branch of the European Ecovillage Network. It connects young people around Europe with ecovillage solutions, education, projects, and regenerative living practices.
Latin America (CASA Jóvenes)

CASA Jóvenes is a network of young Latin Americans who want to actively participate in the global movement of planetary regeneration. We are the NextGEN branch in Latin America and our mission is to spread the reconnection with nature in all of the areas in which we participate as the next generation of leaders. Each of us is a seed with the common goal of making this world a better place.
Somos una red de jóvenes latinoamericanos que queremos participar activamente en el movimiento global de regeneración planetaria. Somos parte de NextGEN en Latinoamerica y nuestra misión es difundir la reconexión con la naturaleza en todas las áreas en las que participamos como la próxima generación de líderes. Cada uno de nosotros es una semilla con el objetivo común de hacer de este mundo un lugar mejor.
Africa (NextGEN Africa)

NextGEN Africa is a community of young change makers, working together to inspire change in their communities and Africa as a whole by promoting youth activities and projects geared towards achieving sustainability and regeneration.
Oceania and Asia (NextGENOA)

NextGENOA is a network of young people from Oceania & Asia who are committed to care for the Earth by practicing and promoting sustainable and regenerative living and Ecovillage values within and potentially beyond the region.