With our action projects, we aim to support real-world collaborative doing and encourage youth-led eco-projects to implement regenerative practices in local communities, therefore contributing to emerging and existing ecovillages and their development.
Current projects

Community Biogas Moldova (ComBioM)
ComBioM is a project which aims to prepare youth for the introduction and adaptation of small-scale community biogas in rural Moldova. Check our website and our Facebook page in by clicking on the links below!

Workshops at GEN Europe Gatherings
NextGEN Europe members have been organizing workshops dedicated to young people during the last in person GEN Europe Gatherings. Some of the topics have been: “Introduction to NextGEN and to the Ecovillage movement”; “Erasmus+ experiences”; “How to deal with these times of crisis” and many more. The team has also organized a workshop at the GEN Europe Online Gathering 2020 with a Q&A format.